Major Advantages of Workflow and Process Automation

Automating business processes using workflow automation software can deliver major performance & QA benefits. Workflow and process automation may have their roots in manufacturing, however transactional processes, i.e. non-manufacturing ones, also benefit from...

Enterprise Task Management for the Mid-Sized Business

Enterprise task management solutions ensure that the constituent work items (tasks) associated with workflows and business processes are carried out on time in order to ensure orderly and efficient flow of work through a business process. The business process may be a...

Product Lifecycle Management using Lean BPM

Josh Yeager gives his thoughts on using Lean BPM to manage Product Lifecycle Management processes. PLM is close to Josh’s heart: as HighGear’s Chief Operating Officer, he has led and built the HighGear Product Development team, using HighGear’s Lean...

Developing Responsive Business Architecture

Contrary to popular belief, effective and successful business architecture isn’t the product of comprehensive or properly organized maps and diagrams. It’s the result of thoroughly understanding business needs, following a path to discovery and working to achieve a...

The Benefits of Enterprise Task Management Software

A growing number of businesses are now using online task management software to transform how they operate. Organizations can grow as a whole if they become better at project management and increase key performance metrics. Enterprise task management software...
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