HighGear vs Integrify Comparison

Selecting the optimal workflow management software platform is imperative in our tech-driven era. But the choices seem endless, and the stakes feel sky-high. Pick wrong, and you’ll lag behind the competition. Choose right, and you’ll streamline operations in ways you never envisioned.

When it comes to options, workflow management is a crowded industry. Among the competition, two contenders stand apart from the rest – HighGear and Integrify. Both simplify and automate business processes extraordinarily well, transforming yesterday’s manual processes into effortless digitization today. However, each platform takes a distinct approach.

This comparison spotlights their unique advantages with an impartial look at how HighGear and Integrify stack up against each other.

Company Overviews


Founded in the early 2000s, HighGear emerged as a response to the growing need for no-code workflow automation platforms.

The platform enables teams to quickly assign tasks, manage work, track progress, and report on real-time activity across departments. HighGear is purpose-built to support complex workflows, either designed from the ground up or customized from a wide array of pre-built templates, and meet enterprise security, authentication, and integration requirements.

Using HighGear, non-technical users can design and deploy workflow applications in days or weeks rather than wait months for custom IT solutions.

HighGear is trusted by leading global enterprises, especially in regulated industries, to power mission-critical processes and comply with rigorous governance and oversight.


Integrify’s journey began in the mid-2000s with a focus on streamlining request management and workflow processes through low-code development.

Integrify zeroes in on speeding up approvals, tracking compliance, and supplying in-depth workflow analytics. Their platform works to quicken request-to-resolution turnarounds organization-wide. Integrify also offers pre-made workflow templates that cater to common needs, while power users can still customize processes. Their goal is to reduce manual tasks and optimize cycle times through low-code automation.

Like HighGear, Integrify is trusted by major global organizations to manage mission-critical workflows.

HighGear vs. Integrify – Quick Guide


Feature HighGear Integrify
Core Focus Streamline the rapid deployment and secure management and automation of work at scale Optimize request management & low-code workflow automation
User Experience Intuitive design, drag-and-drop, responsive layout Design options enable developers to code with CSS and Javascript
Deployment Cloud-based and on-premise Cloud-based and on-premise
Client Feedback 5.0 out of 5 on GetApp 4.5 out of 5 on GetApp
Pricing Starts at $63/month per licensed contributor. 25 license minimum. Starts at $875/month
Integration Capabilities Diverse integrations with over 6,000 applications, open APIs for custom solutions. Open API, AWS Lambda integration
Development Approach No-code platform Low-code approach
Customization Drag-and-drop functionality, advanced logic without coding, pre-built templates available Dynamic form designer, blend of pre-built templates and customization
Unique Strengths No-code solution, real-time visibility, scalability Guided workflows, Javascript and CSS coding options

Core Features Comparison

Workflow Automation

Both HighGear and Integrify offer powerful workflow automation solutions, but their approaches and offerings differ. Let’s explore:

HighGear’s Approach:

HighGear's no-code workflow

No-Code Excellence – HighGear’s no-code workflow platform enables the rapid deployment of templates and custom solutions to manage any process and supports approval chains, compliance tracking, KPIs, escalations, and quality management.

Intuitive Visual Workflow Designer – HighGear’s user-centric design is evident in its visual workflow designer. This tool allows users, even those without technical expertise, to craft both straightforward and complex workflows seamlessly.

Unparalleled Scalability – Designed for businesses of all sizes, HighGear’s platform effortlessly scales. Whether a startup or a multinational corporation, HighGear ensures that workflow automation needs are met consistently and effectively.

Integrify’s Approach:

Approval Chain Focus – Integrify does offer a streamlined approach to automating approval chains, ensuring requests are processed efficiently.

Compliance Tracking – Integrify’s emphasis on compliance is commendable, with tracking features ensuring businesses adhere to regulations.

Template and Customization – Integrify’s blend of pre-built templates and customization options enables organizations to cater to standard business needs, offering flexibility in workflow design.

While both platforms bring valuable features to the table, HighGear’s emphasis on a no-code, user-friendly design, combined with its unmatched scalability, positions it a notch above. Integrify, with its focus on approval chains and compliance, still offers a solid solution.

No-Code and Low-Code Development

Low-code and no-code platforms have upended old-school coding-centric software design. Now regular business users can build and deploy apps by simply dragging, dropping, and connecting puzzle pieces – sans complex programming. This democratization of development accelerates innovation and reduces dependency on IT teams.

Let’s compare the no-code and low-code capabilities of HighGear and Integrify:

HighGear no-code capabilities

HighGear’s Approach:

User-Centric Design – HighGear’s no-code platform is built with the end-user in mind. HighGear allows users to rapidly design applications by simply dragging elements into place, much like one would sketch concepts on a whiteboard.

Rapid Deployment – With HighGear, the time from concept to deployment is drastically reduced. Businesses can swiftly respond to changing needs, implementing new workflows or modifying existing ones in real-time.

Unmatched Flexibility – HighGear’s platform is not just about ease; it’s about flexibility. Users have complete freedom to build custom workflows tailored specifically to their needs, from the simplest to the most complex of processes. Users looking to hit the ground running can also choose from a library of over 40 pre-built templates and customize them to their own needs. Teams can design simple to complex workflows, integrate with open integration platforms like Zapier and Microsoft Power Platform, utilize HighGear’s comprehensive and secure API to integrate with any custom solution across the enterprise, and even incorporate advanced logic, all without writing a single line of code.

Integrify’s Approach:

Integrify low code capabilities

Low-Code Empowerment – Integrify champions a low-code approach, allowing users to build applications using a visual interface. Developers will appreciate leveraging JavaScript and CSS coding options. Integrify does aim to reduce coding requirements.

Dynamic Form Designer – Integrify’s platform includes a form designer, enabling administrators to design web-based and mobile-friendly forms, from simple IT support requests to intricate capital expenditure forms.

HighGear’s no-code approach requires no prior technical skills, putting enterprise-grade application development fully in the hands of business users.

Integrify adopts a low-code approach that provides visual interface options that aims to reduce development while enabling developers to code solutions with JavaScript and CSS

Integration Capabilities

A key consideration for organizations is how readily HighGear and Integrify can interface with common applications and backends to create unified workflows. Let’s compare the integration abilities of the two platforms.

HighGear’s Approach:

HighGear integration capabilities

Diverse Integrations – HighGear boasts a wide array of integrations with popular software and services, including Microsoft 365, Salesforce, Amazon S3, OneDrive, HubSpot CRM, Microsoft SharePoint, Google Maps, Microsoft Azure, UiPath, and Okta.

Open Integration Platforms – HighGear is natively integrated with open integration platforms like Zapier and Microsoft’s Power Platform. This drag-and-drop integration capability extends its reach to thousands of other applications.

Secure API – HighGear also includes a comprehensive and secure API to integrate with everything else you need to connect across the enterprise.

Integrify’s Approach:

Open API and Custom Integration – Integrify offers an open API, allowing businesses to connect the Integrify Process Engine to their applications. This API enables programmatic interactions, such as launching processes, completing tasks, and checking statuses.

AWS Lambda Integration – Integrify’s integration capabilities are further enhanced with AWS Lambda, enabling custom workflow integrations.

Reporting and Analytics

Both HighGear and Integrify offer tools and insights to ensure businesses can make data-driven decisions.

HighGear’s Approach:

HighGear Reporting and Analytics

Real-Time Visibility – HighGear’s instant reporting capabilities give a clear and up-to-date view across the whole enterprise. Their business intelligence module presents custom dashboards, detailed analytics, and on-the-fly reports, ensuring businesses obtain a thorough understanding of their operations.

Export Capabilities – HighGear’s intuitive Business Intelligence module, combined with its reporting API and Open Data Model, facilitates users in designing, previewing, publishing, scheduling, and exporting reports. These reports can be auto-distributed via email in various formats, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe PDF.

Compliance and Risk Management – HighGear offers a dependable system of record with a comprehensive activity log and audit trail, ensuring adherence to industry standards. The platform’s proactive alerts and notifications ensure timely communication of necessary actions. In addition, HighGear pairs with ERP, CRM, HRIS, and IT systems to bolster its compliance capabilities and enhance data distribution.

Integrify’s Approach:

Integrify reporting and analytics

Real-Time Process Metrics – Real-Time Process Metrics – Integrify delivers real-time visibility into process health, KPIs, and bottlenecks.

Historical Audit Trail – Integrify tracks and maintains a detailed audit trail of all activities within automated workflow processes. This includes form data entered, user actions, time and date stamps, comments/discussions, and attachments.

Dynamic Dashboards – All data in Integrify is stored in a secure, relational database. Reports and dashboards can be displayed in real-time and scheduled for distribution as needed.

Scalability and Growth

As companies grow, they must have a workflow platform that effortlessly expands with them. HighGear and Integrify both provide scalability.

HighGear’s architecture is designed to accommodate growth. Whether a business is expanding its user base, managing a larger number of processes, or integrating more systems, HighGear ensures consistent performance without hitches. As businesses grow and their processes become more complex, HighGear’s platform can adapt without necessitating major overhauls.

Similarly, knowing that businesses morph over time, Integrify’s adaptive framework can handle more users and workflows as a business scales up, ensuring expansion opportunities aren’t constrained.

User Experience and Interface

A well-thought-out user interface (UI) and overall user experience (UX) play a big part in the success of any software platform.

Let’s take a look at the UI and UX offerings of both HighGear and Integrify:

HighGear’s User Interface

Intuitive Design – HighGear’s interface is designed with the end-user in mind. It ticks all the boxes – a clean layout, logical navigation, and easily accessible tools.

Drag-and-Drop Functionality – As we’ve discussed already, a standout feature of HighGear’s UI is its drag-and-drop functionality. Even those without technical expertise can become whiz kids designing workflows, creating forms, and customizing dashboards with ease.

Responsive Layout – HighGear’s platform is responsive, ensuring a consistent experience across various devices, be it desktops, tablets, or smartphones.

Integrify’s User Interface

Modular Design – Integrify’s UI is modular, allowing users to access specific functionalities easily. The dashboard provides a clear overview of ongoing tasks, pending approvals, and workflow statuses.

Guided Workflows – Integrify’s interface guides users through processes step-by-step, reducing the chances of errors and ensuring that tasks are completed in the correct sequence.

Integrify guided workflows

In terms of sheer intuitiveness and ease of use, HighGear might have a slight edge due to its no-code, drag-and-drop functionality. Still, Integrify’s guided workflows and modular design make it a strong contender.

Deployment and Security

Deployment flexibility and strong security are essential considerations for any business evaluating automation platforms. HighGear and Integrify both provide customizable deployment options and data protection tailored to organizations.

For deployment, HighGear offers cloud-based and on-premise options. The cloud platform allows access anywhere, anytime for those seeking flexibility without infrastructure management. HighGear also enables hosting the platform on companies’ own servers on-premise for more control. Additionally, HighGear includes a comprehensive and secure API to integrate with everything else you need to connect across the enterprise, including PeopleSoft, SAML, PowerBI, Salesforce, Office 365, custom solutions, and many others.

Integrify similarly provides cloud and self-managed deployment choices. Their cloud offering is a fully-managed infrastructure in a secure AWS environment, eliminating server management. The self-managed option gives hands-on control to businesses that want to handle their own Integrify infrastructure.

Both platforms implement strong security measures like encryption to safeguard data. HighGear features compliance capabilities and secure integrations to maintain data integrity. Like HighGear, Integrify offers an open API for secure connections between systems.

Training and Support

As you’d expect from enterprise-grade workflow automation platforms of this caliber, the customer service and support for both HighGear and Integrify are comprehensive and professional.

HighGear’s Support

HighGear provides exceptional customer support and training services to its clients. Their team is comprised of experts who care deeply about helping customers and are empowered to invest as many resources as are needed to ensure customer success. The team is readily accessible through various communication channels, including email, phone, and screen-sharing sessions.

As an added support resource, HighGear also offers a dedicated Customer Success team. A Customer Success Manager is specifically assigned to each client (at no additional cost for the Department license tier and above) who serves as a client’s business process and workflow management coach, mentor/advisor, and client advocate. They are accountable for proactively engaging with each client’s key stakeholders on at least a quarterly basis, and ensuring clients have access to all of HighGear’s vast experience, knowledge, best practices, and personnel to finely tune the platform to solve even the most unique business need. When it comes to training, HighGear offers an integrated set of self-service help resources, which include step-by-step instructions, videos, and comprehensive documentation for troubleshooting.

For those who prefer hands-on learning, HighGear offers complimentary instructor-led training sessions designed to enhance proficiency in process design and effective feature utilization.

Furthermore, HighGear’s support system contains a vast repository of detailed help articles, tutorials, and videos. This extensive resource empowers customers to independently search for answers to their queries.

In addition, the close collaboration between the support team and product development ensures an in-depth understanding of the platform, providing expertise that spans every aspect of it.

Integrify’s Support

Integrify supplies in-depth customer support through documentation and training for admins and end-users. They also offer Process Apps for departments like Civic/City, Finance, HR, IT, Legal, Marketing, Operations, Safety, and Sales, with template examples. In addition to documentation and training, direct support is available via phone and email during business hours.

While both platforms clearly make it a priority to offer sufficient resources to aid users, HighGear outlines more specifics on available live support. Still, Integrify provides reliable assistance to their clients for onboarding and afterward.

Client Feedback & Case Studies

Marketing language only tells part of the story. User testimonials and case studies give straightforward reports from actual clients that reveal the unfiltered, on-the-ground user experience delivered by these platforms.

Client Feedback

On GetApp, HighGear has garnered 20 reviews at the time of writing, with an impeccable average rating of 5.0 out of 5. Users have highlighted the following:

“Fantastic – the team has been great, always available to answer any questions. It’s changed our business completely.” – Alexandra S.

They allowed us to become entirely virtual, innovative, and lower costs all at once.” – Kathy T.

Integrify, on the other hand, has received 23 reviews on GetApp with a commendable average rating of 4.5 out of 5. Some of the feedback includes:

“The graphical interface was pretty good. There were some nice dashboards, and being an online service running on our server eliminated having to have a client application.” – Dana H.

“Customer support is extremely responsive and available and, most importantly, willing to work with you to come to a solution.” – Michael E.

Case Studies

Both HighGear and Integrify have showcased various case studies on their respective websites.

Take a look at HighGear’s case studies page to discover the tailored benefits and wins companies across industries – like energy, telecom, consulting, and healthcare – unlocked with their workflow platform.

Much the same, Integrify’s customer success section shares case studies from organizations that have benefited from their platform.

Pricing and Packages

Both HighGear and Integrify offer the opportunity for potential clients to schedule a demo first, allowing them to get a firsthand experience of the platform’s capabilities.

HighGear Pricing

HighGear’s starting price is $63/month per additional licensed contributor, with annual subscription options available. They also offer volume and term discounts. Some other features, such as adding more workflows, forms, API transactions, SSO, and storage, do come at an additional cost.

Integrify Pricing

Integrify’s automation software starts at $875/month (their pricing page hides the number of users included). This package includes unlimited forms, processes, transactions and requests, audit trails, reports and dashboards, and more. They also provide a branded self-service portal, API integration, free workflow app starter templates, and a dedicated account manager.

In Summary

With many alternatives available on the market, HighGear and Integrify are solid options for enterprise-grade workflow management systems.

After reviewing the in-depth feature comparison, both HighGear and Integrify have unique strengths as workflow automation platforms. HighGear’s unmatched no-code solution means that any employee, tech-savvy or not, can build sophisticated workflows swiftly.

HighGear hits the mark for large organizations for easy real-time visibility and scaling. Integrify takes the guesswork out of processes with guided workflows and their templated apps for common workflows.

Schedule a customized demo today to see how HighGear can optimize workflows across your business.

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