Keeping track of the status of work throughout a department or line of business is challenging, especially when spreadsheets, e-mail, and Post-It notes become an organization’s default system of record.

Organizations need to ensure assigned tasks, status updates and completed work are all recorded in one central location, despite managing multiple systems, platforms, and software applications each day.

In an ideal work environment, managers should have the ability to know the exact status of each and every task their team is working on, as well as how budgets, resources, and people are allocated.

What is Enterprise Task Management?

Enterprise Task Management Systems are often used to provide organizations with a unified view into how, when, and where work is performed across departments, lines of business, or teams at all times.

The system allows organizations to create work queues for each team member, automatically notify workers when tasks are assigned and route tasks to the next team member as work is completed based on pre-defined business rules, workflows, and business processes.

The system helps workers prioritize what to work on next while allowing managers to see when work is at risk of becoming overdue so that work can be re-assigned and performance issues can be addressed.

This platform provides a central location to gather work-related data across the organization, no matter who is working on a task or which business systems are actually used to carry out the work itself.

Access Real-time Reporting

Once work-related data is captured in a central location with an enterprise task management system, an organization is then able to generate reports with that data on a scheduled, ongoing or as-needed basis.

Managers can easily build a variety of real-time dashboards, charts, and gauges of KPIs, metrics, and analytics and allow executives to access custom reports and export Word, Excel, and PDF documents.

Organizations save time by automating the data collection and report creation process and can also implement role-based permissions to ensure only the right people have access to critical information.

Gain Visibility Across the Enterprise

Enterprise task management delivers real-time visibility into what’s happening inside the fish bowl, as employees, partners and team members complete their work, allowing managers and executives outside the fish bowl to keep track of the big picture to ensure organizational objectives are being met.

By capturing data on how work actually moves throughout the organization, managers have the information they need to improve the efficiency and accuracy of their capacity planning, resource utilization and budget allocation processes, all the way down to individual employees and assets.

This visibility allows organizations to identify bottlenecks, enforce business rules and streamline operations, as essential workflows and business processes are continuously optimized and improved.

These systematic improvements allow executives to focus on higher-value work activities, free up time for strategic and tactical decisions and work on developing greater capacity, planning and forecasting.

By gaining visibility inside, outside and across the enterprise, organizations have new insight into what it takes to increase the accuracy, productivity and efficiency of work performed in each department.

To learn more about our enterprise task management system, please contact HighGear today, watch our demo video or schedule a product demo.

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