Because the markets for workflow automation, process automation and business process management are flooded with different solution providers, it is important to understand the difference between each type of solution in order to decide which platform might be the best fit for your enterprise. While no code workflow automation platforms deliver functionality directly into the hands of process managers, business analysts and non-IT staff, low code solutions are primarily used by IT teams looking to deliver business applications and workflows to the business faster than they can do by developing homegrown IT solutions or purchasing traditional BPM suites. Therefore, it is important to choose the right workflow management platform based on who your end-user is going to be.

Who Likes No Code Workflow Automation?

No-code platforms are more commonly found within individual lines of business, especially in fast-moving, customer-facing departments, where customer- or regulator-driven change demands rapid response. No code workflow automation platforms are very attractive to the business, because non-IT staff can control the deployment of business applications and workflows themselves. Powerful, drag-and-drop designers allow non-technical staff to use no-code workflow platforms with very little training to build custom workflows and forms. This makes them an ideal solution for the business analyst or manager who understands their business process, knows what they want to change and wants the ability to make that change themselves.

Although no code workflow platforms do not require coding, if the business user chooses to deploy the platform on-premise (instead of in the cloud), IT may be needed to help with deployment or with integration to other internal business systems. However, IT departments are relieved of the burden of actively supporting the line of business solution, allowing IT to focus on security and authentication to ensure the business has a working environment within which to create and change complex workflows at will.

No code workflow automation solutions are low cost, but very agile in their ability to deliver change and to manage that change effectively.

Who Likes Low Code BPM?

Low code BPM platforms are a leap forward in the delivery of speed and reduced cost in the creation and support of workflow automation and process management. Although they require a lot less coding than a homegrown IT solution or traditional BPM suite, they are still moderately expensive because they still require IT to support the solution, although a very tech-savvy business person may be able to create simple business applications. It is typical to see low code BPM being employed within an IT team to deliver workflow solutions to the business teams requesting them, but it is rare to see unsupported solutions within the business itself being used directly by non-technical people. Still, low code BPM solutions are capable of delivering business applications and workflows to the business for a fraction of the cost of traditional BPM solutions along with a significant reduction in time and ROI.

Who Likes BPM Software?

Big BPM solutions, exemplified by the likes of IBM, Oracle and PegaSystems, are attractive to centralized organizations with dedicated process improvement teams. Traditional BPM suites are enterprise-only solutions due to the very high cost associated with deployment and support. BPM itself is more a “state of mind” and is often synonymous with the software platforms developed to give expression to the concepts and ideas of BPM itself. BPM solutions are very expensive and require lengthy, IT-led deployments, despite the best intentions of BPM experts and practitioners. BPM suites also tend to be relatively slow in delivering new process or workflow solutions, or indeed, in modifying existing solutions. They also will typically live under the control of your IT group and are not directly usable or manageable by the business.

About HighGear

HighGear is the leading, intuitive no-code platform for business analysts to rapidly build enterprise-grade workflow applications. Businesses in regulated industries rely on HighGear to create custom workflow applications that easily drive adoption within their lines of business, instead of being forced to adapt to pre-built software or adding to the IT backlog for homegrown solutions. The world’s leading companies depend on HighGear to manage work, improve visibility, streamline operations, meet compliance requirements and achieve digital transformation.

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