what is regtech

As the financial services industry continues to face heightened regulatory demands and higher risk management expectations, RegTech (or Regulatory Technology) has become a vital part of its progress.

By leveraging innovative technologies to address compliance issues, this fast-growing subsector of FinTech has revolutionized how organizations across industries manage their operations. With increasing demands on effectively mitigating risks and meeting evermore stringent standards, RegTech provides an invaluable solution for financial institutions worldwide.

Challenges in the Financial Industry

The financial sector is up against a number of obstacles, including the need to meet compliance and regulatory obligations, manage risk effectively, and process data efficiently.

These challenges have led to a need for Regulatory Technology, like HighGear’s financial services, making it important to understand each of them. That way, you can get a better understanding of why RegTech should never be overlooked.

Let’s explore each of these challenges in more detail.

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance and regulatory requirements are major challenges for financial institutions. The financial industry is heavily regulated, since it’s a sector that deals with people’s finances and, in turn, with their overall wellbeing. For this reason, it’s governed by a range of laws and regulations that financial institutions must comply with.

There is also a need for timely and accurate regulatory reporting. In the wake of the global financial crisis, regulators have become much more demanding in their requirements.

This can be an arduous task for financial institutions, as they must navigate an increasingly complex regulatory environment that is ever-shifting in nature.

It’s also time-consuming and resource-intensive, and non-compliance can lead to significant penalties as well as reputational damage.

Global financial institutions face the additional challenge of having to comply with regulations across different jurisdictions. And each one of these jurisdictions comes with its own set of rules and requirements as well.

This adds another layer of complexity because it means that these institutions need to use more robust compliance strategies to adapt. That’s where RegTech solutions like workflow automation software come in handy.

Risk Management

Risk management is another critical challenge for companies operating in the financial sector. It goes beyond simply complying with regulatory requirements; instead, it requires organizations to anticipate potential risks before they occur and develop strategies to mitigate them should they arise.

In addition to traditional financial risks (like credit and market risks), financial institutions also need to manage their operational risks. These include cybersecurity threats, fraud detection, and systematic risks that could have far-reaching consequences.

Financial institutions can minimize their risk exposure by creating comprehensive risk management plans that detail how they will detect, keep track of, and respond to potential risks.

They can also use workflow automation solutions (including no-code automation) to streamline these tasks. For example, HighGear allows for efficient risk management through easy-to-use solutions, which can be tested through a free demo of the software.

Data Management

A third challenge facing the financial industry is efficient data management. Financial firms generate vast amounts of data on a daily basis. This data must be stored securely and processed efficiently to be used effectively.

Failure to do so can lead to errors, delays in decision-making, and missed opportunities. Firms must invest in sophisticated data management systems and processes to address this challenge. They must also ensure their data is reliable and accurate by regularly conducting quality assurance checks.

What is Regulatory Technology?

Meeting the challenges of the financial industry is no easy feat. That’s where RegTech comes in.

RegTech is an innovative subsector of FinTech that uses technology to address compliance and risk management challenges faced by organizations across many industries, including those in the financial services sector.

The goal of RegTech is to facilitate compliance with legal and regulatory standards by using technology-driven solutions. This may include automation, data analysis, and other RegTech tools designed to simplify and automate the process of meeting regulatory requirements.

RegTech solutions can range from software platforms that provide real-time monitoring to more sophisticated technology that can detect fraud and ensure the integrity of secure data. In turn, these tools help businesses comply with regulations already in place. They also help them adapt more quickly to changes in regulations to reduce the risk of non-compliance.

The History and Origins of RegTech

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) of the UK, used the term “RegTech” for the first time in 2015.

However, its origins predate this, and the concept of using technology to support compliance efforts is far from new. In truth, the roots of RegTech can be found in the ’90s when digital banking was just beginning to take shape.

Back then, banks employed software to identify and report on potentially suspicious activity, which acted as the impetus for more sophisticated anti-money laundering solutions. Over time, these technologies have continued to evolve and improve.

But the financial crisis of 2008 heralded a significant turning point for RegTech.

In the wake of this unprecedented global cataclysm, it swiftly became apparent that the financial regulatory structure was in dire need of a comprehensive overhaul. Traditional compliance and risk mitigation methods needed to be revised to address modern finance’s intricacies. Consequently, regulators intensified their oversight and redoubled their focus on compliance.

In light of the evolving new regulatory environment, a growing number of startups began to develop cutting-edge technological solutions to help financial institutions meet their compliance obligations.

The early days of RegTech introduced solutions like anti-money laundering and know-your-customer software to financial institutions. By implementing these RegTech tools, they were able to meet compliance requirements and simultaneously decrease their vulnerability to financial crime.

As technology advanced at an exponential rate, so did the RegTech industry; it’s since grown globally, with companies and new solutions emerging from all corners of the globe.

This is also evidenced by the large influx of investments and partnerships with financial institutions and regulatory authorities to create solutions that enable more efficient compliance management and risk mitigation.

It’s estimated that the global RegTech market will grow to over $28 billion by 2027, making it a major force in the global economy.

How Does RegTech Work?


RegTech uses data-driven technologies and tools such as AI to automate the process of regulatory monitoring. This means that instead of manually checking each transaction or piece of data against the applicable rules and regulations, RegTech can do the job automatically.

For example, a financial institution might use RegTech to monitor all transactions to ensure they are compliant with AML regulations. The AI algorithms can be trained to detect patterns in transactions that may indicate money laundering or suspicious activity.

RegTech also can identify risks associated with transactions before they occur. For example, a trading platform might use risk management software powered by AI to calculate potential risks from a trade before it is executed. This kind of technology can help protect businesses from losses due to unexpected market movements.

The use of RegTech also allows for faster detection of non-compliance issues and fraud prevention by leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms.

These algorithms can detect anomalies in data that may indicate potential fraud or other rule violations more quickly than humans could ever do manually.

Additionally, these algorithms can be updated quickly when new regulations come into effect, so businesses remain compliant without having to spend time manually updating their systems.

Why Do We Need RegTech?

Regulatory compliance needs continue to increase as our reliance on digital technology grows. As the number of regulations increases, companies must be able to keep up with the latest requirements or face significant fines or even criminal charges for non-compliance.

With Regtech solutions in place, companies can quickly and easily identify any potential issues before they become serious problems. This helps organizations save money by avoiding costly fixes for these issues. Plus, by avoiding these problems entirely, productivity and efficiency will be at an all-time high, which means a faster time to market and better service delivery (more on this later).

These technologies can also automate many manual tasks associated with regulatory compliance so that companies can focus on other facets of their business without worrying about staying compliant with ever-changing regulations.

What are the Benefits of RegTech for Financial Institutions?

Regulatory technology boasts numerous benefits, but some of the most notable ones include better risk management, compliance monitoring, efficiency, and more.

Enhanced Risk Management

Risk management is essential for preventing financial loss and damage to an institution’s reputation. To meet this need, RegTech provides advanced risk assessment and continuous monitoring.

By using RegTech, financial institutions can identify and respond quickly to potential risks more effectively than ever before. It also detects them much earlier, meaning organizations have time to take preventative measures. Not only does this help them maintain compliance with regulations, but it also reduces their risk exposure.

RegTech gives financial institutions access to data they may not have had before, such as customer behavior and transaction history, enabling them to detect irregularities faster.

Improved Compliance Monitoring

In finance, new laws and regulations are continuously being put into place. This makes it difficult to stay up-to-date (and compliant) using traditional methods. Luckily, RegTech offers real-time monitoring and updates to compliance frameworks to keep everything running smoothly.

With the right technology in place, they can track customer activity on their platform and ensure they meet all regulatory requirements. This helps them maintain a high level of trust with customers, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Faster Time To Market

By leveraging RegTech, financial institutions can expedite the process of getting products or services to market by streamlining regulatory processes. This allows them to launch new products or services faster than ever before without sacrificing quality or compliance with regulations.

Cost Savings

Standard compliance strategies can be incredibly costly. However, automating certain processes eliminates the need for manual labor, which reduces overhead expenses significantly and reduces the risk of human error (which can lead to expensive corrections).

In addition, it reduces the time spent on manual tasks such as data entry which further reduces costs associated with regulatory compliance. So, not only does this save money, but it can save time, too.

Increased Efficiency

Using RegTech increases efficiency across departments within an organization. Automating specific processes enables teams to focus on more strategic initiatives instead of spending time on mundane tasks such as data entry or manually researching regulations. This makes teams more productive overall, making them better positioned to stay competitive in the market.

Better Data Management

RegTech is equipped to handle sensitive information and provides secure, efficient, and compliant data storage. As a result, organizations will have access to more accurate, up-to-date data for audits and reporting.


Since RegTech helps organizations adapt to evolving regulations, it can also address compliance changes proactively. This gives businesses the tools to remain compliant in an ever-evolving industry.

What Technologies are used By RegTech Companies?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines or computer systems. ML is a subset of AI that uses data to make decisions without specifically programmed instructions. Both AI and ML are used by RegTech companies to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately to identify trends or anomalies that would otherwise be missed by manual analysis.

Application Program Interface (API) – APIs allow software programs to communicate with other applications without requiring user interaction. RegTech tools can integrate with existing systems quickly and easily while maintaining security protocols.

Big Data and Analytics – Big Data refers to large amounts of structured or unstructured data that can be analyzed for valuable insights. Advanced analytics tools allow RegTech companies to gain valuable business insights from this data to make better decisions faster.

Blockchain – Blockchain technology is a secure way of storing data using distributed ledgers maintained across multiple computers in a network. This makes it virtually impossible for hackers to access sensitive customer information since there is no single point of failure in a blockchain system.

Cloud Computing – Cloud computing allows RegTech companies to store their data “in the cloud” instead of on physical servers located at their office location(s). This eliminates the need for costly hardware investments while also making it easier for staff members across different locations to collaborate on projects in real-time

Identity Verification and Authentication – Identity verification and authentication solutions enable RegTech companies to securely verify customer identities with minimal effort while ensuring compliance with applicable regulations such as GDPR or KYC requirements.

Advanced Encryption – Advanced encryption techniques are used by RegTech companies as an added layer of security when storing or transmitting sensitive customer information. This helps protect customers’ private data from hackers who might try to steal it for malicious purposes such as identity theft or fraud.

What Differentiates RegTech from FinTech?

We briefly mentioned earlier in this article that RegTech is a subset of FinTech.

Fintech can be defined as a sector of technology that uses digital and online platforms to improve or automate the delivery of financial services. In contrast, RegTech focuses specifically on compliance and regulatory processes. It is designed to address specific challenges organizations face in meeting their legal requirements.

It could also be viewed as a response to FinTech, as the digital revolution it unleashed in the financial services sector resulted in increased risk (alongside the potential rewards) and further compliance requirements.

Regulatory technologies will help organizations meet those requirements, enabling them to reap the benefits of FinTech without compromising their compliance efforts.

What Differentiates RegTech and SupTech?

regulatory technology

Another area where there is sometimes confusion is the difference between RegTech and SupTech (Supervisory Technology). They are two distinct yet related technologies; you should have a good grasp of what RegTech is but let’s quickly explain SupTech.

SupTech focuses on the supervision of regulated financial services entities and activities by regulatory bodies, such as central banks and other government agencies. It involves using technology to monitor the activities of these entities to ensure that they comply with rules, regulations, and laws.

The key difference between RegTech and SupTech is that RegTech focuses on helping organizations meet their legal requirements and internal policies while SupTech helps regulators supervise those organizations.

Final Thoughts and The Future of RegTech

The development of Regulatory Technology is now widely accepted and utilized in many financial regulation systems. As such, it’s time to contemplate the potential that RegTech has to offer in the future. Given that regulations will only become more intricate, RegTech solutions are destined to be indispensable for meeting compliance standards.

Those who don’t embrace the innovative regulatory technology tools available today will be left behind in the ever-changing financial environment. As such, those who can capitalize from RegTech solutions now will gain a competitive advantage over their competitors who don’t.

The potential to save time and money on compliance costs while improving accuracy is something that financial organizations can’t afford to ignore.

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