workflow management software

Prioritizing effective workflow management and process automation is a hot topic in today’s business climate. Finding the right workflow management software has become vital. There’s a lot of talk, but what about examples?

Many brands operating in the workflow management/automation niche claim that their software is the best. Yet, only a few provide solid proof that it actually works. At HighGear, we believe in full transparency. In this post, we are validating our claims by examining five real-life examples of how our workflow management software helped five different enterprises in five distinct industries shift into the higher gear. 

1. Energy Company

Company & Challenge Overview:

Facing the challenge of managing over 50,000 miles of pipelines and ensuring compliance with complex regulations, a major North American energy company.

Tasked with securing permits and approvals across diverse territories, the company needed a robust system to manage thousands of intricate legal agreements and commitments.

The Solution:

Enter HighGear – a no-code workflow automation platform designed to transform the way this energy giant handles its operations. 

By automating the capture of all task-related communications and sign-offs, HighGear not only streamlined processes but also provided verifiable proof of completion. 

Our platform empowered project managers to track performance, manage risks, and optimize resource allocation – all while offering executives real-time insights into the company’s commitments and compliance status.

Key Results:

The result? A marked improvement in operational efficiency and compliance accuracy, enabling the company to manage a larger volume of commitments with reduced risk of default and controlled labor growth despite an expanding pipeline portfolio. 

HighGear’s implementation has been key in helping the company meet stringent regulatory demands and maintain operational integrity across North America, illustrating the power of digital transformation and efficient workflow management in the energy sector.


2. Specialty Insurance Provider

Company & Challenge Overview:

Beazley, a renowned global authority insurer, specializes in offering a wide range of products across six divisions, including cyber and executive risk, marine, property, reinsurance, specialty lines, political, accident, and contingency insurance, all rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best.

Before they reached out to us, Beazley’s IT department sought to enhance its core underwriting functions, opting to develop an internal solution. 

The U.S. product configuration team was tasked with integrating various best-of-breed tools to support the insurance rating engine, document generation, business rules, and workflow capabilities. They faced the challenge of managing thousands of policy generation tasks across multiple systems and user groups.

The Solution:

This is where HighGear’s software entered the conversation. Adopting our no-code workflow management and automation software allowed Beazley to focus on refining internal processes rather than manually building workflow and task management features from the ground up.

HighGear facilitated the design and standardization of custom processes for seven teams and centralized U.S. underwriting operations. It also provided real-time reporting and metrics, enhancing visibility into task statuses and service level agreements.

Key Results:

With HighGear’s platform, Beazley managed to streamline their highly nuanced flow of work, which led to a 30% increase in productivity for U.S. underwriting operations and a 45% increase in processed risks year-over-year during the first year of implementation. 


3. Safety Services and Software Provider

Company & Challenge Overview:

Safety Plus, Inc., established in 1991 and based in Mobile, Alabama, is a leading provider of safety services and software, supporting a wide range of industries such as construction, manufacturing, and oil & gas. 

They offer extensive services, including safety training, audits, claims management, and compliance with regulations like OSHA and EPA. Their software, SafetyPlusWeb™, is a pivotal component of their offering, utilized by numerous companies across the U.S.

As Safety Plus expanded, they faced increased demands from a growing client base and a broader service offering, which pressured their existing manual and paper-based processes. The need for better management of customer engagement details and regulatory compliance deadlines became critical, as these were areas where delays could result in significant penalties.

The Solution:

Safety Plus chose HighGear’s no-code workflow automation platform to manage customer-facing work. Our platform enabled them to quickly develop and deploy tailored workflows specific to their needs without external assistance. 

Key Results:

HighGear significantly improved organizational efficiency at Safety Plus by automating documentation and task management. It allowed the company to increase its client base by over 700% without proportionally increasing its headcount. 

Our system provided robust data for performance evaluation and enhanced service quality, positioning Safety Plus as an integral part of their client’s internal safety programs. HighGear also offered transparency and real-time progress tracking to clients, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.


4. Speech Therapy Services

Company & Challenge Overview:

A state educational cooperative serving nearly 300,000 K-12 students across 55 school districts utilizes over 1,000 therapists to provide various therapy services to a subset of students with Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs). These services are eligible for Federal Medicaid reimbursement, which requires detailed compliance with reporting standards.

The process of filing for Medicaid reimbursement was highly inefficient and costly due to the requirement of manually printing 5,000 sheets of paper each month for signatures from up to 55 therapists. 

This daunting process led to billing delays of up to eight months, escalating costs, and reduced revenue. Each therapist spent approximately nine days per school year managing paperwork, costing each district over $150,000 annually in related expenses.

The Solution:

HighGear was chosen to automate the Medicaid reimbursement process in a one-year pilot program across four school districts. The platform enabled the configuration of various steps, such as obtaining parental consent, physician authorization, patient progress tracking, therapist notes, advisor notifications, and administrator approvals.

Key Results:

Implementing HighGear dramatically improved the efficiency of the Medicaid billing process. Therapists could now digitally track and sign for case management services, which simplified compliance and reporting. Medicaid administrators were able to generate comprehensive electronic reports monthly, significantly reducing the need for paper-based documentation. 

The projected savings for one district alone were $150,000 annually in paperwork costs, with the time spent on paperwork reduced from nine days per therapist a year to just 6.5 hours, with the potential Medicaid reimbursements amounting to $2.8 million for a possible future rollout to all 55 districts.


5. Global Investment Management Firm

Company & Challenge Overview:

One of the world’s largest investment management firms, managing over $1 trillion USD in client assets, operates in more than 50 countries with a client base of over 2,000. The firm employs more than 800 investment professionals, offering a diverse range of fund services, including fixed-income, equity, multi-asset, and alternative investments. 

The firm faced significant organizational challenges following a strategic initiative that consolidated three fund service groups into a single shared services team. This consolidation required the integration of different legacy processes, databases, spreadsheets, and vendors into one standardized system capable of supporting complex reporting, compliance, and auditing demands. Over 1,500 repeatable tasks needed to be reviewed and streamlined.

The Solution:

HighGear was chosen as the workflow solution after a 90-day pilot phase, meeting the firm’s stringent requirements for procurement, information security, and architecture. Our no-code, visual workflow designer allowed non-technical administrators to create and manage custom business processes without IT involvement. 

HighGear also facilitated the transition from spreadsheets to optimized task management and provided a non-repudiable audit trail essential for demonstrating compliance with financial regulations and internal procedures.

Key Results:

HighGear’s implementation enhanced the firm’s operational efficiency by providing real-time visibility, aggregated reporting, and measurable metrics across global operations, fund services, product development, and legal and compliance departments. It enabled executives to effectively manage resource utilization and track efforts across various teams such as audit, compliance, and treasury. 

Furthermore, HighGear’s flexibility and ease of use supported ongoing data analysis, innovation, and process improvement, which in turn helped to mitigate risks and improve scalability through enhanced automation, centralization, and standardization.


Shift Your Workflow Management to a Higher Gear

As you can see from the examples above, HighGear isn’t just another workflow management and automation software. It’s a solution that guarantees results. 

From a straightforward no-code deployment to powerful automation tools, HighGear can be the game changer you need to take your enterprise to the next level. Contact us today or schedule a demo to learn more about the powerful solutions HighGear can provide. 


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