BPM for Government

The government is a very heavily process-driven environment, constantly demanding improvements to performance and reduced spending. Essentially, the government needs to do more with less through shared serviceswithout sacrificing the quality of services or requiring massive capital expenditures.

As a result, government agencies typically demand a more robust and efficient solution that addresses these challenges head-on.

HighGear’s BPM Solution for government departments delivers core process management functionality for far less than traditional business process management systems and deploys in exceptionally short timeframes. Even the most bureaucratic, paper-based permitting system or department can enjoy significant and immediate modernization benefits within weeks of deployment.

HighGear Solutions provides On-Premises or SaaS cloud-based Lean BPM, allowing for the unification of systems and information. As a result, you or your agency can create a truly collaborative partnership amongst people, systems, assets and resources, and the government itself.

Interested? Then read more about HighGear’s all-in-one solutions below and make sure to book a demo today.

Case Management

  • Agency goals benefit from the enforcement of case management procedures and preset policies. This ensures that all government operations are conducted according to regulatory requirements and best practices.
  • Case management access is improved with faster and simpler collation and access of all information no matter which system it is stored on or generated by. This seamless integration completely eliminates data silos. Plus, it can improve the decision-making process by providing comprehensive insights.
  • True, social collaboration facilitates information and knowledge sharing over a secure, yet easy-to-use User Interface (UI). As a result, government organizations can foster a culture of transparency and teamwork, which is essential for effective case management.
  • Gain full visibility into processes and workflows in real-time (real-time case management reporting) with full accountability for all work performed, no matter at what stage of the process or by whom. This level of transparency ensures that every single action is tracked and can be audited. It also enhances accountability and trust.

Government Procurement

  • Enforce procurement approval procedures with automated workflows, following preset compliance policies and business rules, supported by enterprise task management. As a result, all procurement activities are sure to be compliant with regulatory standards and organizational policies.
  • Promote simplicity and eliminate complexity by using a single work platform that is FAR/DFAR compliant. HighGear’s comprehensive workflow automation platform reduces the need for multiple systems. Without so many systems to worry about, you can streamline government services and operations and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Collaborate with vendors by extending the use of the BPMS platform in a controlled and secure fashion, providing visibility and control over the procurement process beyond the boundaries of your agency. This collaboration ensures that all necessary stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the procurement process – from A to Z.
  • Converge data and information from across your agency onto one work platform, no matter how many systems you operate and use to generate information. By consolidating this data, you can enhance data integrity and accessibility, which can facilitate better decision-making overall.
  • Gain a 360-view of the procurement process, with full accountability and total visibility for Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT) and Agency expenditure. With such a comprehensive view, you can benefit from more accurate forecasting and budgeting. That way, you can also ensure your resources are allocated as efficiently as possible.

Grant Application, Awards, and Management

  • Eliminate all non-essential paper, yet still enjoy a full audit trail and non-repudiable compliance record. This is all thanks to enterprise task management, no-code automated workflows, and business processes following preset business and compliance rules.
  • Mobile allows secure access, letting staff and clients work with grant applications anywhere, anytime, and on any authorized device. With this flexibility, grant processes will no longer be delayed because of circumstances like location constraints.
  • Increase grant processing speed with automation of the processes and workflows associated with the application, review, and approval of grants. This automation reduces the manual workload and accelerates the entire grant lifecycle.
  • Improve data accessibility and security with role-based permissions, Contact Visibility Control, state-of-the-art security, and all access via one work platform no matter where data has been generated. Additionally, only authorized users will have access to sensitive data, upgrading your organization’s security.
  • Enjoy resource utilization and time cost control with granular dashboards and reporting. This includes real-time, individual, team, departmental, and organizational performance. You can also identify and avoid bottlenecks that may be causing expensive delays or stoppages, and ensure work is allocated evenly and effectively.

Infrastructure Management

  • Gain full visibility into the state of infrastructure, including critical and routine maintenance requirements. Visibility also allows businesses to implement proactive maintenance and reduces the risk of unexpected failures.
  • Full accountability on decision-making on all assets, including critical infrastructure. This ensures that every decision is based on accurate and up-to-date information, which boosts overall asset management.
  • Simplify and streamline management and maintenance of infrastructure. By using a single platform for all infrastructure-related activities and tasks, agencies can effectively reduce complexity and improve their efficiency.
  • Reduce costs and gain full visibility into the full cost of incurring/deferring expenditures. This financial insight helps in making more informed budgetary decisions and optimizing department expenditures.
  • Improve effectiveness and utilization of Government infrastructure by ensuring all assets are tracked, utilization measured, and generate hard data to justify budget decision-making. A data-driven approach ensures that investments in infrastructure are aligned with your organization’s goals and needs.

Emergency Services & Incident Management

  • Accelerate response times by automating critical processes and generating true collaboration between people, systems, processes, and information wherever they are located. So, whenever an incident occurs, emergency processes can be put into place to deal with or respond to it as quickly as possible.
  • Consolidate and simplify incident reporting with one work platform used to input case information, while automatically creating and distributing reports customized for each recipient individual, department, or agency. Standardizing processes also enhances communication and reduces the risk of errors.
  • Intercept and capture incident reports from multiple channels, including email, Mobile, traditional, and Social Media. A multi-channel approach ensures that all incidents are reported and addressed properly, and can make reporting more accessible for everyone.
  • Real-time incident tracking delivers enhanced situational awareness, while social communication and centralized information access allow for full collaboration. Situational awareness is also crucial for effective incident management and decision-making.
  • Reporting and predictive analytics provide insight into incident patterns and actionable recommendations for future action. This kind of proactive approach helps to identify trends and implement preventative measures to reduce the chances of incidents in the future.
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