We have published several free code samples for HighGear software developers.

Web Form to Create and Edit Tasks Through the Web Service
This sample uses the web service to display a Create Task or Edit Task form for any task type in your JobTraQ system. It can be used anonymously, or with a login. It will render all of the tabs in the specified task type, with all of their fields. The user can enter data in those fields, and the form will use the web service to create a new task when they are done. If the administrator specifies a task ID parameter, the form will load that task’s data and allow the user to save changes to it. The ZIP file contains a readme.txt document explaining how to install the form.

Offline Processing Bridge Page
If you have a dynamic link that starts a long-running process that your users don’t want to wait for, you can use this bridge page to trigger the page that runs the process and then immediately return to the user. Then, the other page can simply complete in the background and send the user an email when it is complete.

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