HighGear’s Business Intelligence Module by default uses a different type of database connection to connect to the database server than the main HighGear application. Its particular connection type does not support TLS 1.2. Therefore, if TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are disabled on the SQL Server, you will encounter the following error whenever the Business Intelligence Module or the main HighGear application need to talk to the database server:

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECCreateCredentials()).]SSL Security error.

To resolve this error, you need to be running SQL Server 2012 or above. In addition, you’ll need to implement the following steps in order to configure the Business Intelligence Module to use a new connection type that does support TLS 1.2.

  1. Download and install the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server on the HighGear server.
  2. Open the _Settings.lgx file which is located under Reporting/_Definitions in the HighGear web root path.
  3. There are 4 connection strings under the <Connections> node. Update them to use Provider=MSOLEDBSQL instead of whatever provider they’re using. Most likely they’re using Provider=SQLOLEDB.1 but they might be using Provider=SQLNCLI11
    Regardless, switch all 4 of the connection strings to use Provider=MSOLEDBSQL

Now test the Business Intelligence Module and make sure you can load your reports. If you run into any issues, please contact the HighGear Support team (support@HighGear.com).


Notice: In the latter half of 2019, support for this new provider will be added into the HighGear application. When you upgrade, your existing HighGear applications will be upgraded to use this new connection type. And new HighGear applications will use this new connection type right from the start.

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