HighGear 9.2.2 brings you our latest feature, the Tableau Reporting Connection, making it easy to connect HighGear with Tableau, one of the leading platforms for enterprise reporting and analytics. Our Connector allows you to securely share HighGear data with your Tableau analytics platform, helping you make quick and confident decisions with ease.

HighGear 9.2.2 Release Video

  • The Tableau Reporting Connection is available in the Business and Global tiers. Please talk to your Customer Success Manager about the best way to get access to this feature.
  • SaaS customers will be upgraded to version 9.2.2 on the following dates:
    • Early Access: 10 PM ET on Saturday, April 13th
    • Mainstream: 10 PM ET on Saturday, April 27th
  • For support, please contact Support@HighGear.com.
  • For additional licenses or services, please contact Sales@HighGear.com.

Tableau Reporting Connection

We’re excited to announce a dynamic new feature in HighGear 9.2.2: Tableau Reporting Connection. This new addition to our platform enables customers to securely and seamlessly stream HighGear data into Tableau. Now, Tableau Creators and Explorers can use their familiar tools to build powerful reports and perform deep data analysis of HighGear data and data from other systems across your organization.

This is the first step in our strategy to allow our customers to access their HighGear data in the finest reporting and analytics tools on the market. We chose to connect to Tableau first because it is one of the most popular business intelligence and analytics solutions available. With an excellent and easy to learn report designer, Tableau makes it easy to analyze data and to build powerful reports.

The new Reporting Connection interface makes it easy to set up connections to Tableau in just a few minutes. Once connected, HighGear business analysts have full control over the data and fields that are made available to Tableau users. As your organization evolves, so can your reporting connections. HighGear automatically syncs your field and permission changes with Tableau, eliminating manual and complex updates and keeping reports always up to date.

Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions with ease with our new Tableau Reporting Connection in HighGear 9.2.2.

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