Swift Software is excited to announce the release of JobTraQ version X5.13.5. This latest version includes a new email conversation routing feature that allows JobTraQ to route and record emails for help desks, sales teams, and other email-based processes that need to preserve a record of email conversations. It also includes several enhancements requested by customers and partners.

To read complete release notes for all current and previous versions, visit our release notes page.

For support, please contact support@JobTraQ.com. For additional licenses or services, please contact sales@JobTraQ.com.

SQL Server Compatibility Notice

All previous versions of JobTraQ BPM software have supported SQL Server 2000, 2005, and 2008. JobTraQ X5.13.0 and all future versions now require SQL Server 2005 or later. This change will allow us to take advantage of new SQL Server features to improve performance and reliability. We will continue to support previous JobTraQ versions on SQL Server 2000 until April 2013, when Microsoft will discontinue support for all versions of SQL Server 2000.


Email Conversation Routing: Administrators can configure JobTraQ to monitor one or more POP3 mailboxes and record every email that arrives in those mailboxes. As each new email comes in, JobTraQ creates a task for it and forward it to the correct recipients.

  • As email recipients send replies, the email text and attachments are extracted and stored in the original task, so that the entire conversation is recorded in JobTraQ.
  • Each reply appears to be a normal email and shows the name of the person who sent it. Users can use all of the functionality and formatting that they expect to be able to use in their emails.
  • If a participant in a conversation CC’s a new person, JobTraQ adds that new person to the Other Notification Recipients list for the conversation task.

Search Assistance for Fields with Options: When a user selects a dropdown, radio button, or checkbox field while searching in the task and contact lists, JobTraQ gives them a list of valid options for that field, instead of requiring them to remember the name of the option they want.


  • Every time a task is saved, the audit trail records the email notification option that they chose.
  • To assist in performance monitoring, the JobTraQ IIS logs now record the user ID and actual time spent for every HTTP request.
  • The Permission Group Saved Views page now opens faster and saves changes faster.

Fixed Bugs

JobTraQ business process management software version X5.13.5 also includes fixes for various bugs that were found in previous releases. Our Errata page has a list of the bugs that were fixed in this version, as well as a list of known issues.

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