Swift Software announces the release of JobTraQ version X6.0.1. This update offers new work schedule options, options for streamlined email notifications, and stability and performance improvements for administrators.

Self-hosted customers with an active maintenance agreement can immediately download the self-installing upgrade from the JobTraQ customer portal. SaaS customers may contact support@highgear.everclearmarketing.com to request the upgrade, or simply wait for us to contact you.

To read complete release notes for all current and previous versions, visit our release notes page.

For support, please contact support@JobTraQ.com. For additional licenses or services, please contact sales@JobTraQ.com.

Software Features

  • 24-Hour and Night Shift Work Schedules: Contacts can now have work schedules that cross the midnight boundary, to allow full 24-hour work schedules and night shifts.
  • Streamlined Email Notifications: Email notifications no longer include fields that are located on hidden tabs, and admins can choose to hide dynamic links and embedded pages from their email notifications. In addition, administrators can choose which attached file fields should or should not generate email notifications, and the web service API allows clients to attach files without generating email notifications.
  • Configuration Synchronization Improvements: The importer runs faster for large JobTraQ systems, and the exporter allows administrators to choose which workflow processes to export.

Software Enhancements

  • Custom fields that do not store data in a task or contact record (dynamic links, embedded pages, section headers, and attached files) no longer count against the 950-field limit.
  • The task detail popup in the Resource Utilization chart now includes the Status field.
  • The calendar and web service API now restrict users from editing fields that are on read-only or hidden task type tabs.
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