The Build vs. Buy Software Decision

Mark Porter is the UX Lead on the HighGear dev team – he was instrumental in developing HighGear’s visual workflow, and is currently leading a major overhaul of our UI. The decision to build or buy a software solution when solving business problems can be...

How Workflow Management can Increase Efficiency, Visibility & Productivity

Workflow management essentially deals with the automation of business processes, and the allocation of work across your staff in a way that allows you to optimize throughput of work tasks, i.e. workflow. Workflow management seeks to marry individual tasks which go to...

Improving Customer Experience with Standardized Business Processes

I spoke with my credit card company today, because the card I had ordered had not arrived. This was the second time I’d called them about the non-arrival of a credit card I applied for 2 months ago – the third customer touch for this financial institution. The...

Why We Chose to Build HighGear in F#

For many developers, working in the Microsoft .Net framework means using C# or perhaps Visual Basic. However, there’s a new language from Microsoft Research which is generating a lot of buzz in the developer community: F#. Even though it’s new, F# is heavily inspired...

How to Optimize Your Department’s Resource Utilization

Most organizations wish their employees could achieve a higher level of utilization. There are horror stories about teams that spend so much time in meetings that each person only gets 1-2 hours of “real work” done each day. On the other end of the spectrum, the...
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